APM: Selfish topic suggestion

Ian Remmler ian at remmler.org
Thu Sep 7 09:04:47 PDT 2006

On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 09:11:08AM -0500, Ian Remmler wrote:
> user, no database, nothing fancy.  I don't know what all it will
> do, but one example is transferring files to the client and
> managing/deleting files on the server.  I really don't know what

OK, to clarify a bit:  The above is basically all it will do;
it's more of a "web util" than a web app.  But we need a way to
select a bunch of files/directories, then send them to the
client in one shot somehow (i.e. not click each file, then click
"save to disk").  I don't think we want to bundle it into a
zip/tar file.

Is something like this possible with javascript?  Otherwise I'm
afraid we'll have to do something nasty...

    - Ian.

"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky.
 A shark on beer is a beer engineer."
        -- Dr. Worm

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