APM: Running a perl prog from a perl prog?

michalk michalk at awpi.com
Tue Oct 17 16:04:06 PDT 2006

exec or system
$variable = `otherprogram.pl`;
also does the trick.  Note the backticks.
This will kill peformance though.  Perl has a lot of initializing to do 
each time you call it.

CaptNemo wrote:
> I want to write some perl programs to do various jobs...
> 	1) Access a database and return a query
> 	2) Access a database and insert data
> 	3) Access a database and delete data
> 	4) Access two databased (linked) and return a query
> I'd like to be able to run these programs from another perl program.
> MEANING: A perl/CGI master program that runs the applicable perl/database 
> program and get the returned data (if any) for web display.
> These aren't subroutines...  They are not threads...  What's this called so 
> I can look up how to do it?
> Any suggestion on the perl command to run another perl program?
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