APM: Listing Packages

Dennis Moore rainking at feeding.frenzy.com
Mon Mar 22 15:53:29 CST 2004

On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 02:13:55PM -0600, Tom Bakken wrote:
> How do you list the perl modules or packages installed on a Linux server?

perl -MCPAN -e autobundle

autobundle writes a bundle file into the $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home}/Bundle
directory. The file contains a list of all modules that are both available
from CPAN and currently installed within @INC. The name of the bundle file
is based on the current date and a counter.

<BLINK> ;for (74,1970500640,1634627444,1751478816,1348825708,543711587,
1801810465){for($x=1<<1^1;$x>=1>>1;$x--) {$q=hex ff,$r=oct($x=~s,\d,$&*
10,e,$x),$x/=1/.1,$q<<=$r,$s.=chr (($_&$q)>>$r),$t++}}while($= ||= !$|)
{$o=$o?$?:$/;$|=1;print $o?$s:$"x$t if$;;print"\b"x$t;sleep 1} </BLINK>

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