APM: global scope array doesn't seem to be global

jeremy jeremyb at univista.com
Tue May 6 21:05:09 CDT 2003


I've been working on a CGI script that does quite bit of syncing,
parsing and rendering of content from other http servers. The script is
split into several sub routines.  At the beginning of the script I
declare several vars, arrays and hashes that are referenced by the
various subs.  The array I'm having problems with is call @repeat.

@repeat is declared at the top of the script before any subs get
called.  It gets populated by a sub called GEN_CONTENT().  GEN_CONTENT()
calls REPEAT_CONTENT() which does some content rendering with the values
in the @repeat array, among others.  


Red Hat 7.1
Linux 2.4.2-2 #1 Sun Apr 8 20:41:30 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
v5.6.0 built for i386-linux


Just prior to calling REPEAT_CONTENT() from GEN_CONTENT() the @repeat
array is, indeed, populated with what I expect.  Next, when I print out
the elements of @repeat from within REPEAT_CONTENT(), all it contains is
a single blank line. After REPEAT_CONTENT returns, I check the elements
of @repeat again from GEN_CONTENT() and everything is as it should be
just like it was prior to entering into REPEAT_CONTENT().  

The problem is obviously that @repeat is not global in scope,  I just
don't know why.  I would expect this behavior if I had not declared
@repeat at the beginning of the script, but I did. Furthermore it
doesn't get declared again anywhere inside GEN_CONTENT(), which might
cause this problem.  The script is 1050 lines long so I'll not be
including it here! 

Any ideas on what the problem is?

Here's the snippet of code I describe and the top of the script where
the declarations are:

    575                        print "before REPEAT_CONTENT( task )\n";
    576                        foreach( @repeat ){
    577                            print "====== $_\n";
    578                        }
    580                        &REPEAT_CONTENT( 'task' );
    582                        print "After REPEAT_CONTENT( task )\n";
    583                        foreach( @repeat ){
    584                            print "====== $_\n";
    585                        }

Here's the beginning snippet from REPEAT_CONTENT where I check the 
content of @repeat:

    756     sub REPEAT_CONTENT{
    759         ########################### DEBUG 
    760         if ( $config{ debug } eq 'yes' ){
    761            print "\n\n Inside REPEAT_CONTENT( $_[0]$_[1] )\n\n";
    762            foreach( @repeat ){
    763               print "====== $_ \n";
    764            }
    765         }

      1 #!/usr/bin/perl
      3 use strict;
      4 use LWP::UserAgent;
      5 use HTTP::Cookies;
      6 use CGI;
      8 my $config_file = "/etc/owapi/conf/shrinkwrap.conf";
     11 # Not set in the config file  ....leave these alone!
     12 my $do_sync = undef;
     13 my @task_table = undef;  
     14 my @table_data = undef; 
     15 my @cal_table = undef;      
     16 my @eml_elements = undef;  
     17 my @repeat = undef;    

thanks in advance,

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