[Auckland-pm] Early bird extension for OSDC conference

Jacinta Richardson jarich at perltraining.com.au
Mon Oct 11 21:20:14 CDT 2004

G'day folk,

We agree that giving you 4 days for early bird registration isn't 
sufficient.  As a result we've extended the early bird registration date 
for everyone.  If you register before 31st October 2004 you will receive 
a conference t-shirt and financial discount.  The t-shirts look 
fantastic.  :)

You can register at http://www.osdc.com.au/

OSDC is a grassroots-style conference designed by developers for 
developers, covering open source languages, tools, libraries, operating 
systems, licences and business models.  We're booking 3 lecture rooms 
each day for the 3 days and every single slot is filled with a talk. 
There are 60 different talks by 45 different speakers, not including the 

Talks topics range from dealing with hardware in Perl, to designing 
cochlear implants with Python, to writing large-scale PHP.  We also have 
talks on the Firebird Database, Mozilla XUL, Lego Micromouse (and maze 
solving), MySQL, CVS, Make, DocBook and writing games with Javascript.

You can find the list of speakers and talk titles at 
http://www.osdc.com.au/papers/index.html  Speaker names listed as 
"unavailable" means that that speaker opted to have their paper 
refereed.  Their names will appear once the refereeing process is over.

Because there are so many good talks, you can be certain that there will 
be something that interests you in every talk session.  In our initial 
timetable it was impossible to put the most interesting talks into 
sequential timeslots as we had too many "most interesting" talks for the 
time available.  Each day will start with a 1.5 hour keynote by our 
excellent keynote speakers.  These include Damian Conway, Nathan 
Torkington, Anthony Baxter, Luke Welling and Con Zymaris.  The rest of 
the day will be filled with 5 hours of talks and plentiful food breaks.
Our catering choices should result in you being extraordinarily well fed 
throughout the days of the conference.

There will also be a key-signing, several BOFs (yet to be organised), 
lots of opportunities to socialise, a semi-formal dinner, a partners' 
programme and other usual conference stuff.

If you have any other questions about what is happening, please don't 
hesitate to ask.

All the very best,

       Jacinta Richardson

    ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._          |  Jacinta Richardson         |
     `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia    |
     (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |      +61 3 9354 6001        |
   _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'           | contact at perltraining.com.au |
  (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'             |   www.perltraining.com.au   |

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