[Athens-pm] Perl oddities

Philip Lees pjlees at ics.forth.gr
Thu Nov 14 05:37:23 CST 2002

Giorgos Epitidios wrote:

>So actually $_ IS each element of the array. This means that &func 
>changes the array elements.

This can be very useful. It means that you can do things like:

s/Giorgos/Philip/ foreach @array;

to modify array elements in place. It's features like this that help
make Perl so powerful.

Philip Lees
Working Group on Cardiology
ICS-FORTH, Science and Technology Park of Crete
Vassilika Vouton, P.O. Box 1385, GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE

tel.: +30-810-391680, fax: +30-810-391601, e-mail: pjlees at ics.forth.gr

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