[ABE.pm] Storable.pm and MySQL - Example

Faber J. Fedor faber at linuxnj.com
Mon Mar 19 16:53:20 PDT 2007

This program shows the problem.  Be sure to add your own MySQL parms
near the top.

Step through this and look at the table after you INSERT the data and
look at $frozen.  They are not the same value.

Why $melted_popsicle is undef at the exit(0) is another problem.

<----------------------------< cut here >--------------------------->


use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw) ;

## Set these to your settings ##

my $db = ;
my $dbUsername =  ;
my $dbPasswd = ;

## end of configuration

my $dbh = DBI->connect ('DBI:mysql:'.$db, $dbUsername, $dbPasswd );

my $stmt = 'drop table if exists storabletest';

$stmt = 'create table storabletest (realdate date, myblob blob)';

my %data = { average => 10,
             myarray => [ ['ABC', 123], ['DEF', 345]],
             total => 'cereal' 

my $frozen = freeze \%data;

$stmt = 'insert into storabletest (realdate, myblob) values (\'20011001\',\''. $frozen.'\')' ;

$stmt = 'select * From storabletest where realdate = 20011001';

my @popsicle = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($stmt);

my $melted_popsicle = thaw $popsicle[1];


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Faber Fedor
Linux New Jersey, Inc.


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