Fwd: Slides: Emacs as Perl IDE

LanX lanx.perl at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 7 02:13:22 PDT 2016

(once again for the list)

2016-09-07 0:00 GMT+02:00 Damian Conway <damian at conway.org>:
> Thanks so much for making that available, LanX.
> I'm only sorry we didn't get to hear it live at YAPC::NA.

Yep, I'm sorry too! Hopefully the video won't be lost like they did in Riga....

> And I'll certainly be mining it, looking to create additional Vim tools. :-)

Yeah, have a look into textmate snippets, I saw they are available for VIM too.


Perl needs more reusable, editor agnostic solutions...

>     :%s/mimic/make available to modern developers/

Well I won't continue on this, I have no problem with VIM and I agree
that the keybindings
are saner, and I'm even learning evil-mode right now.

But I went once to a local meeting of the linux user group, and did
the mistake to mention
Emacs and Perl in the same phrase ...

... only to become the constant hate target of some VIM / Python guy.

(Needless to say I never went again, even that they meet just across my street.)

Like with Python it's not the tool  but the mindset of "There is only
one way to do it"
of its community, which is driving me away ...

Even more surprising is that 80% of self proclaimed vi users (they
even often ignore the difference to VIM)
I interviewed so far told me they switch to other tools like Komodo,
Padre, JetBrains/Camelcade, Eclipse/EPIC,
and so on  when on windows (all good tools on their own)

All Emacsers I talked to seem to lack this flexibility ... ;-)

Cheers =)

PS: for those interested: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=788619

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