Meeting more people: Hallway++ means you're never interrupting

Matt S Trout mst at
Tue May 21 10:02:01 PDT 2013

tl;dr ->

If it says Hallway++ on somebody's badge or on a sign at a table, they're in.

People doing Hallway++ would prefer your default to be "come and say hello" so they don't miss out on interesting conversations. Having to say if it isn't convenient right now is a conciously chosen trade-off.

Lurking is fine; it's ok to listen to the conversation and then introduce yourself when there's a lull.

Or, fundamentally:

Hallway++ means you're never interrupting.

full explanation ->

We did this last year. It was awesome fun.

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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