[yapc] yapc.org out of date

adam.prime at utoronto.ca adam.prime at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 4 12:15:38 PDT 2008

Quoting Jeff Bisbee <jbisbee at gmail.com>:

> I definitely agree with Gabor.  It was a pain going to yapc.org and it
> not linking driectly to yapc.or/America redirect.

There is a link to yapc.org/America, it's just buried in the copy.   
The link on the conference name links to the google calender event  
that drives the whole thing (which probably isn't really how it should  

The script that generates that page is in the google code repository  
though, so i'm sure you could submit a patch to make it better and  
they'd love you forever.


As for why it's out of date, maybe a cron job isn't running? (or isn't  
running enough)


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