[yapc] swag card game

Uri Guttman uri at stemsystems.com
Tue Jul 4 20:22:09 PDT 2006

has anyone else played that political secrets card game we got in the
swag bag? we played it tonight (4 players) and once we got into the play
it was somewhat amusing. the factoids and quotes were overall pretty
basic and dull. the real problem is that the instructions (on a single
card) are not the best and some of the action cards are ambiguous. like
what does it mean if you draw one less card per round when you only draw
1 per round?  do you just play cards until you run out and are you out
of the game then? anyway what do you think of the game?


Uri Guttman  ------  uri at stemsystems.com  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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