[WindyCity-pm] Module::Build and company in a $work environment

Elliot Shank chicago.pm at galumph.com
Thu Apr 17 18:01:53 PDT 2008

Shawn Carroll wrote:
> Has any one used Module::Build or similar modules in a workplace
> environment?  I'm embarking on cleaning up some messy perl code and
> hooking into the local build and release system.  The system is
> designed for compiled languages, but I figure if I can present them
> with a make file-esqe setup, I won't cause to much of a problem.

I do.  I LOVE M::B.  Easy to subclass, extend, override defaults, etc.

We've got a hierarchy like this:

M::B => X::M::B => X::M::B::Base => X::M::B::(?:Legacy|Standard)

X::M::B is where we put our extra functionality.

X::M::B::Base has stuff that we want every distribution to use.

X::M::B::Standard has stuff for new code and completely reformed legacy code.

X::M::B::Legacy, well, you can guess that.

One thing we use this for is centralizing version dependencies.

Here's an edited down version of one of our Build.PL files:


use strict;
use warnings;

use X::Module::Build::Legacy 16230;


# Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, please do not specify a module
# version in the dependencies here.  Simply specify a dependency upon a
# version 0 here, then go modify
# $X::Module::Build::Base::MINIMUM_MODULE_VERSIONS to include your real
# minimum version.  This way we only need to update versions in one location.

my $builder = X::Module::Build::Legacy->new(
    module_name          => 'Y::B',
    requires_merge       => {
        'A::Z'              => 0,
        Cwd                 => 0,
        DBI                 => 0,
        Exporter            => 0,
        Fcntl               => 0,
        'File::Basename'    => 0,
        'File::Copy'        => 0,
        'File::Spec'        => 0,
        'File::stat'        => 0,
        'File::Temp'        => 0,
        'G::C::C'           => 0,
        'G::U'              => 0,
        'G::U::S'           => 0,
        'Getopt::Long'      => 0,
        'IO::Handle'        => 0,
        'IO::Wrap'          => 0,
        'List::MoreUtils'   => 0,
        POSIX               => 0,
        Readonly            => 0,
        'S::S'              => 0,
        'Sys::Hostname'     => 0,
        Template            => 0,
        'Term::ANSIColor'   => 0,
        'Time::HiRes'       => 0,
        'Time::Local'       => 0,
        'U::M'              => 0,
        'U::S'              => 0,
        'U::S'              => 0,
        vars                => 0,

        # There is no direct dependency upon this, but a very definite
        # indirect one.  Nothing will work without this.
        'DBD::Sybase'       => 0,
    build_requires_merge => {
        'Data::Dumper'          => 0,
        'File::Basename'        => 0,
        'File::Spec::Functions' => 0,
        'File::Temp'            => 0,
        FindBin                 => 0,
        'IO::File'              => 0,
        lib                     => 0,
        'Scalar::Util'          => 0,
        'Scope::Guard'          => 0,
        'Test::Deep'            => 0,
        'Test::Differences'     => 0,
        'Test::File'            => 0,
        'Test::File::Diff'      => 0,

# Have to clean up additional test-generated files.
$builder->add_to_cleanup( qw< t/a/O> );



Yes, we list dependencies upon core modules.  It helps if a core module is/is made to be a dual-lifed module and we want to force an upgrade.

You'll note that M::B doesn't have "requires_merge" and "build_requires_merge" configuration keys.  The handling of those lives in X::M::B.  I named those after "meta_merge"; see the doc on that for the idea of how these work.  The ::Base, ::Standard, and ::Legacy modules put modules we want to commonly have our distros depend upon into "requires" and "build_requires".  For example, ::Standard puts in a "build_requires" for Test::Perl::Critic and ::Legacy puts one in for Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive.

We've got a CruiseControl server set up.  When somebody makes a change to a distribution, it gets built, and assuming that the tests pass, a tarball is published to an internal CPAN repository.  (Truly an instance of the dark-PAN.)  We have a Task:: like distribution that depends upon all the other distributions that we want put into production (it also runs some sanity tests).  CruiseControl builds this distribution 4 times a day.  It uses normal CPAN.pm to build all of our third-party dependencies and plus ours.  (Woohoo! Free dependency resolution!)  Out of that comes a tarball that can be handed to QA and eventually put into production.

There's a bunch of other stuff in there that adds custom build targets (ACTION_* methods) and custom file-type handling.  We make the dist target depend upon the build, manifest, and distmeta ones.  We've got some workarounds for NFS timing issues. (Just lovely, that.)  Etc.

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