[VPM] So, no January meeting at all then?

Darren Duncan darren at DarrenDuncan.net
Tue Jan 15 18:17:43 PST 2008

What I heard discussed last week strongly suggests that there isn't 
really any rationale to hold a January meeting of RCSS or VPM, 
neither separate nor combined.  Not enough content available.

I move to just cancel any January 2008 meetings entirely and just 
move on afterwards to planning February 2008 meetings instead.

The content discussed for RCSS so far could be done the first tuesday 
of February et al, and I anticipate new material for a February VPM 
will arrive in time for the third tuesday of February, from me if not 
someone else.

If there is silence I'll take that as defacto agreement to cancel.

So speak up if you think something should still happen this month.

Thank you. -- Darren Duncan

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