[VPM] the April meeting that wasn't

Darren Duncan darren at DarrenDuncan.net
Wed Apr 18 14:29:49 PDT 2007

At 10:01 AM -0700 4/18/07, Peter Scott wrote:
>The last email I posted on
>the topic was several weeks ago, asking for someone who had the
>privileges to take over booking rooms.  There were no replies.  At
>present we have no way to get a room at UVic.

I get the impression, then, that there won't be any more VPM meetings 
until we sort out the room booking situation.  We just have the 
mailing list for the moment.  So I'll take that as the norm until it 
is posted otherwise.

That said, I recall hearing that the RCSS group has survived so far 
without actually booking any rooms, and they're going strong-ish.  If 
we just plan to use a downstairs room then this might work for us, 
while not optimal.  And even RCSS is looking to do bookings soon, so 
maybe I'll see if we can piggyback on their solution.

-- Darren Duncan

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