[VPM] Nov 21 meeting

Darren Duncan darren at DarrenDuncan.net
Wed Nov 8 00:49:09 PST 2006

At 10:24 AM -0800 11/7/06, Peter Scott wrote:
>Anyone got any proposals for the November meeting?

I think it has already been widely disseminated that I will be 
talking about my Perl 5 database project, QDRDBMS, featuring a 
walkthrough of whatever working code I have so far.  I touched on an 
introduction at the Nov 4th RCSS meeting, but the Nov 21st VPM 
meeting was to be the "show me the code" meat.

Note that I will need to use someone else's laptop since I currently 
lack my own.  I will email the list sufficiently in advance of the 
meeting with notices about what ought to be downloaded from where.

Actually, I'll just tell you now.

See: http://darrenduncan.net/QDRDBMS/

That contains the newest versions of the code files that actually do 
something, even if they are in progress.  In particular, Value.pm is 
the most interesting right now; it implements a bunch of strong data 
types, of both the scalar and collection variety, and all type 
conversion is explicit; this does form the foundation for anything 

So just download whatever you find in that folder as late as you can 
before the meeting, but I will endeavour to not change it on the day 
of the meeting itself.

Presuming my code actually executes (I will endeavour to make that 
minor genealogy app work over it that I demo'd over SQLite in the 
past), it has no external dependencies but what is bundled with Perl 
5.8.1+ itself.

>I keep thinking that there are some people who want to hear basic
>information instead of bleeding edge stuff.  We're here for those
>people as well.  If anyone would be interested in any of the following,
>please let me know which one(s):
>Introduction to hashes
>Introduction to regular expressions
>A tour of array operations in Perl
>How to construct Perl subroutine libraries
>Introduction to object-oriented programming in Perl
>Basic CGI programming in Perl
>How to find and install CPAN modules

If we want to talk about other things too, I can share the time with 
other speakers.  But otherwise, I think I could easily take up the 2 

-- Darren Duncan

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