[VPM] bizzare perl code question

Michael Joyce michael at negativespace.net
Thu Jan 22 15:25:27 CST 2004

Don't forget that within the regex, \d means match a digit, not /d, 
which will (since you've used the m// form) delimit the end of the 
regex, try to apply a nonexistent /d switch and generate a syntax 
error, and probably a warning.


On Jan 22, 2004, at 11:51 AM, Peter Scott wrote:

> At 11:45 AM 1/22/2004 -0800, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
>> I have some perl code (written by someone else) that seems most ugly 
>> and
>> ineffecient.
> Right on both counts.
>> Here it is:
>>     my ($tmpout,$pgCount);
>>         $tmpout = `/usr/bin/psselect -p1- $dataFile 2>&1 /dev/null | 
>> tail -1`;
>>         $tmpout =~ /Wrote [0-9]* pages/;
>>         $pgCount = $&; # find the match from the above line
>>         $pgCount =~ /[0-9]+/; # be sure the number is in the 
>> appropriate range
>>         $pgGuess = $&; # match the above
>> It seems to me, I could replace it with something a little better, 
>> like
>> this:
>>     my ($tmpout, $pgGuess);
>>         $tmpout = `/usr/bin/psselect -p1- $dataFile 2>&1 /dev/null | 
>> tail -1`;
>>     ($pgGuess) = $tmpout=~ /Wrote (/d+) pages/;
>> Am I off or would not my code be the same as above?
> Nope, you're spot on.
> If you want to divest yourself of one of those variables you can 
> reduce the above to:
> my ($pgGuess) = `/usr/bin/psselect -p1- $dataFile 2>&1 /dev/null | 
> tail -1`
>                 =~ /Wrote (/d+) pages/;
> assuming you don't need $tmpout for something else.
> -- 
> Peter Scott
> Pacific Systems Design Technologies
> http://www.perldebugged.com/
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Michael S. Joyce
http://www.negativespace.net - all things in between

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