question about the nature of DBM ties

nkuipers nkuipers at
Tue Sep 24 16:59:20 CDT 2002

>===== Original Message From abez <abez at> =====
>Have you tried it without saving to file?

You mean without that tie statement?  Yes.  With and without.  Makes no 
difference to the speed of the computation.  The array of values that the 
unique sub must check before adding a new value grows so scans take longer and 
longer to execute.  Although I would think that continuously dumping to the 
DBM file (rather than building up the hash in memory) would leave more memory 
for other stuff, anyway. I was looking through CPAN and saw a module called 
Array-Unique-0.03 which probably implements what I need (growing an anonymous 
array of unique values) more efficiently.  I need to get the sysadmin to 
install it though since I am not root. *sigh*


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