Perl interacting with C++

abez abez at
Thu Oct 31 21:32:33 CST 2002

There's a chapter in programming perl regarding using C and Perl together.
You can call perl directly from C. I recommend when making a game to use Perl
for scripting.

perldoc perlembed
perldoc perlxs
perldoc perlxstut
perldoc perlcall
perldoc perlapi

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, nkuipers wrote:

> Hello all,
> A friend of mine is very interested in Perl but does the bulk of his 
> programming in C++.  He's currently writing a game, and he wants to be able to 
> extract information from a (for example) QuakeII config file.  He knows enough 
> of Perl to realize that it is ideal for that sort of thing.  Is there a way to 
> have C++ sit on (talk to?) Perl or vice versa?  Could he shunt out from his 
> C++ to a perl script that does it's thing and returns findings for use in the 
> C++ program?  If so, where should I tell him to look for information?
> Thanks.
> if ( $halloween ) { print "Happy Halloween!\n" } #Happy Halloween, stay safe 
> :)
> Nathanael

abez----- ----- ------ - ------ -- ------------ Abram Hindle (abez at
--- --- ------ --------- - - ------ --------abez

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