[Viana-pm] Apresentação com Damian Conway

José Alves de Castro jose.castro at log.pt
Thu Aug 16 10:16:19 PDT 2007

Senhoras e senhores, geeks e geeks, Damian Conway apresenta:


O abstract desta talk:

	"This talk explains how to adapt the Perl programming language to  
quantum computing and vice versa, with applications for prime  
generation, list membership testing, maxima and minima detection,  
string comparison, and winning the office football pool, all in  
constant time without loops or recursion.

	Along the way, we’ll also touch on the physics of chocolate,  
parallel programming, motor racing, the Scottish vegan movement,  
ancient Latin, Mick Jagger’s love life, winter sports, the secret of  
the humble potato, fashion modelling, anagrammatic encryption, modern  
German, cruelty to animals, and the antics of the 1930’s chapter of  

Segunda-feira, 20 de Agosto, pelas 20:30, no hotel Sofitel.

A entrada para esta apresentação é livre, mas a organização agradece  
que enviem um mail para eventos at log.pt a anunciar a intenção de  
participar, por razões de ordem logística.



José Castro <jose.castro at log.pt>
Applicational Development Leader
log <www.log.pt>

Tel:  +351 21 330 42 20
Fax:  +351 21 330 42 19
Calçada Marquês de Abrantes, 45 - 3º Dto
1200-718 Lisboa

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