<br>Hi Guys,<br> Since I didn't have a fancy pants presentation slides like you guys I guess I have to make the notes now. <br><br>How I started Perl:<br>-Got into to it at work<br>-Coworker suggested CPAN <br>-Tried to make a decent game with SDL Perl 2005 version (<a href="http://search.cpan.org/%7Edgoehrig/SDL_Perl-2.1.3/" target="_blank">http://search.cpan.org/~dgoehrig/SDL_Perl-2.1.3/</a>) <br>
- Ratings were <small>PASS (1)
FAIL (72)
UNKNOWN (119) (I think the 1 pass was luck) </small><br>- Got ticked off and started fixing it in GitHub <br>- Got David (old maintainer) to give me access (David also helped me a lot)<br>- Doing that for the last month and here I am<br>
<br>What SDL is (this is for Richard mostly):<br>
- simple answer <a href="http://www.libsdl.org" target="_blank">www.libsdl.org</a><br><br>Why I think SDL + Perl will be a good gaming platform:<br>- Perl's philosophy (Simple things easy. Complex things possible).<br>
- SDL is very stable and fast now<br>
- Perl has already proven it can make good games ( <a href="http://www.frozen-bubble.org/" target="_blank">http://www.frozen-bubble.org/</a> )<br><br>What I am going to be doing:<br>- Making SDL Perl not leak like a diaper of a two tonne baby who just at mexican for a week. (<a href="http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=49084" target="_blank">http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=49084</a>)<br>
- Updating SDL Perl's docs with good tutorials<br> - The falling block game (Tetris) I had in the presentation is being cleaned and turned into a tutorial (<a href="http://github.com/kthakore/TetrisPL" target="_blank">http://github.com/kthakore/TetrisPL</a>)<br>
- Update to new SDL API<br><br>Future Plans:<br>- Follow in Perl's philosophy and make (Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible)<br>- I have registered three name-spaces that will help accomplish this <br>- SDL::Game - Regular SDL Specific widgets (high scores, grids, ...) , extensions and so on (Breuno++ aka garu for this )<br>
- Game::Tool - C/Perl implementations of Game Design Patterns, Algorithms (A*, Swarm) <br>- Game::Base - Genre Specific but not SDL Specific base to make a game
in that genre. Game::Action, Game::Shooter (this is very simple but it
shows the idea)<br> - Adhering to our philosophy of Simple Games Easy:<br> -The version for the modules in these namespaces will <br> -Make a simple game: Tetris<br> - Get core logic: 2d collision detection, linear game event manager <br>
- Move it into appropriate name space as modules that work independently: Game::Tool::Collision, Game::EventManager<br> - release v0.01 with new tutorial of Tetris in less then 100 lines of code.<br> - Repeat with Pong, Breakout, SideScroller (Mario) ... so on<br>
- This way modules released are necessity designed not fantasy designed<br><br><br>Micheal as for your question to start as a game developer its simple. <br><br> Think of a game. ( Or help with the tutorials in SDL Perl :P ) <br>
Think of good data structures for it. <br> Hack Hack Hack. <br> Then go back and find out why your data structure was wrong. <br> Repeat to step 2<br><br><br><br>Kartik Thakore <br>