<div dir="ltr">Better late than never...<br><br>Its that time of year again, when lightning does strike twice in the same spot.<br><br>September is 'lightning talk' month at TPM, and so we need some<br>people to give them.<br>
<br>Put on you tin foil hats and dream up a quick 5-10 minute talk (or rant)<br>about something Perl that either 'warms you cockles', or 'turns your crank'.<br><br>It doesn't have to be big... well researched, (or even intelligent, but it helps).<br>
<br>Send your proposals to me (off list) and I'll coordinate it all,<br>because... I will moderate Septembers meeting.<br><br>Thanks for listening... and thanks (in advance) for all<br>the WONDERFUL presentations you all will be inundating me with over<br>
the next week or so,<br><br>BTW. The meeting is scheduled for Sept 25.<br><br>Fulko<br><br><br></div>