[tpm] Lightning Talk lineup

Richard Dice rdice at pobox.com
Fri Oct 3 10:36:32 PDT 2008

> my @symbols = map { +{ 'key' => $_ } } @things;

I would have guessed that, in this situation...

my @symbols = map { { key => $_ } } @things;

... would work too.  I.e. the Perl compiler would be able to recognize the
key => $value construct within { ... } and figured out that this was meant
to be a hashref.

Just to fuX0r with your minds, I'm like the following would work too...

my @symbols = map { \(my %hash = ( key => $_ )) } @things;

... but proving (or disproving) this is left as an exercise to the reader.

 - Richard
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