[Thousand-oaks-pm] Perl Mongers is TOMORROW (the 11th)

Andrew Grangaard agrangaard at rubiconproject.com
Wed Nov 11 11:13:19 PST 2009

I know TO loves stealing ideas and speakers just before we present at 
LA.pm, so here's our next topic:

an interactive night of VIM+perl tips.  So bring your vimrcs and links 
to your favorite modules.  Perl stuff that makes VIM better, VIM stuff 
than makes editing perl better.  A lot of my stuff is circa VI, but it 
is still sweet.  We could run through that tonight before the LA.pm dec 
2 meeting.

I think I'm going to make TO tonight, we'll see when the time comes to 
jump in traffic.

Tips I'll bring:
* setting up vim to use quicklist / make functions on your perl.
* integrating perltidy
* my perltidyrc
* ctags integration
* keyword completion
* a couple of vim modules
* vimdiff and svn+vimdiff integration
* splitting windows
* zsh (the one true shell(tm)) integration.

Stuff I'd love to hear about:
* using embedded perl in vim.  perldo and friends.
* omnicompletion
* Favorite file browser
   * nerd tree [1]
* Your Favorite vim plugins
* Info about the Vim:: modules on CPAN.
   * ctag/vimtag generators:
     * Vim::Complete (0.03) [2] vs ctags for omni completion
     * Vim::Tag (0.02) [3] (same author as Vim::Complete, possible shell 
     * Perl::Tags (0.26) [4]
   * Vim::Snippet::Converter [5]+ snippetsEmu [6] (emulate TextMate 
   * Pod::Simple::Vim [7] + PERLDOC2 [8] --> convert POD for viewing in 
vim, with syntax highlighting.?  used by perldoc2 plugin.
   * App::EditorTools [9] / App::EditorTools::VIM [10]/ 
PPIx::EditorTools::* to leverage some of the PADRE stuff in vim.
   * Devel::PerlySense[11] Devel::PerlySense::Editor::VIM[12] 
perly_sense[13] (not really supported, really aimed at emacs.  Can we 
fix this?)
   * VI::Quickfix [14] ( cute.  Add this to your module/app and the perl 
compile errors will get written to the vim quickfix file, like as if 
you'd run :make from inside vim)
   * Vroom::Vroom [15] -- beppu and tommy showed me this, it's awesome. 
"powerpoint in vim -- without all the sucky powerpoint stuff).
   * Vim::Snippet::Completion [16] (no docs, what does this do?)
* updated VIM perl syntax highlighting description, now maintained by 
petdance/andy lester. [17] [18] [19] [20]
* using ACK and using it from inside vim(Tommy, examples please)
* perlciritc integration via perlchecker.vim [21]
* iskeyword settings ( set iskeyword+=: , etc)

perl-support.vim [22]-- seriously, does anyone use this? I'm not sure I 
see how it would be helpful.  If you do, I'd love a visit from the 

Anyways, this got a little (lot) longer than I expected this morning.  I 
only got as far as searching VIM:: on cpan. Next up, mining the 
perlmonks -- the vim info there is old, and some of it is wrong (meaning 
of a couple flags were flipped between vim6 and vim7).  I'll expand on 
this in a blog post [23] at some point.

1: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658 [nerd tree]
2: http://search.cpan.org/~marcel/Vim-Complete-0.03/lib/Vim/Complete.pm
3: http://search.cpan.org/~marcel/Vim-Tag-0.02/lib/Vim/Tag.pm
4: http://search.cpan.org/~osfameron/Perl-Tags-0.26/lib/Perl/Tags.pm
6: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318 [snipets emu]
7: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-Simple-Vim/lib/Pod/Simple/Vim.pm
8: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2171 [perldoc2]
9: http://search.cpan.org/dist/App-EditorTools/lib/App/EditorTools.pm

13: http://search.cpan.org/~johanl/Devel-PerlySense-0.0183/bin/perly_sense
18: http://github.com/petdance/vim-perl/tree/master
19: http://github.com/petdance/vim-perl/issues
20: http://groups.google.com/group/vim-perl
21: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1731 [perlchecker.vim]
22: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=556 [perl-support.vim]
23: http://www.lowlevelmanager.com/2009/11/perl-vim-notes.html

shawn faison wrote:
> Hey all,
> Due to time contraints and a high workload I haven't had any time to 
> work on my presentation.  I don't know if I will have time before this 
> evening.
> So does anyone else have anything cool they have been working on that 
> they would like to talk about? 
> I am willing to just come up with something on the fly.  I tried that 
> once before and it worked out well.
> Shawn
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Aran Deltac <bluefeet at gmail.com 
> <mailto:bluefeet at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hey all,
>     Perl mongers is tomorrow night @ 7pm, the usual place [1].
>     We currently have 1 speaker scheduled:
>         * The affable Shawn Faison will be presenting [2] where he
>           expects to wow and surprise you with Perl and other-worldly
>           delights.
>     Can someone please volunteer to fill in the second half-hour slot?
>     Thanks, and see you all there,
>     Aran
>     PS: There will be pizza tomorrow night!  Bring your appetites.
>     [1] http://thousand-oaks-perl.org/meeting-location/
>     [2] A presentation to-be-defined by Shawn.
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