[Tallahassee-pm] Knock, knock, is anyone there? My little updates

Phillip Tyre phillip.tyre at fcul.com
Thu May 27 13:49:01 CDT 2004

Just so people don't think the Perl list is dead, what with this
transition to Java and such, I thought I'd pass along a few things that
might interest the PM crowd.

In this single email compact issue, we have: 

Tallahassee Linux users meet up on Meetup.com June 1st at 8:00PM NFANP
has its next meeting on June 4th at noon.

BugSur Technologies, Inc hosts a free (as in speech or beer?)  Security
Seminar on the June 9th.

And the FDoR wants you to pay a tax to use the switch or router in your
home, plus a whole lot more!


Linux meetup- http://linux.meetup.com <http://linux.meetup.com/>  5
people have agreed to attend as I write this (one of them is me). If you
like Linux, and you can tolerate OTHER people that like Linux, this
might be the place to be next Tuesday night. You should really visit the
site and sign up if interested, but here is the gist: Tuesday June 1st
at 8:00PM at Curry & Wine, 1105a Apalachee Pkwy, Tallahassee, FL. I'm
not sure if they serve beer, but I'm not one to complain about wine!


NFANP- http://www.nfanp.org <http://www.nfanp.org/>  everyone's favorite
networking and IT technology user group is having its next meeting June
4th at Noon. The restaurant isn't called Ryan's any more; it's called
the Florida Grill, but same place, same time. As is always the case,
anyone that can even spell Perl is more than welcome to attend.


BigSur Technology, Inc. Security Seminar- I'm not to sure about this
one. You have to signup, but it's supposed to be free. You can find more
info on the NFANP website http://www.nfanp.org <http://www.nfanp.org/>
(see my crafty way to drive traffic there?).


The silly wascals at the Florida Department of Revenue seem to be moving
ahead with their new plan to stimulate the relocation of high tech
businesses out of Florida. Yes it's our old friend the substitute
communications tax.  A general overview can be found here:
http://www.aif.com/2004Articles/commsubtax.htm more details here:
http://www.flchamber.com/home/chamberinsider/archive/040517_L3.htm and
finally if you just want to be chilled to the bone, read this one:
http://www.myflorida.com/dor/rules/12a19substitute.pdf. The long and
short of it is, they want to collect tax on owning and using a switch,
router, PBX, etc, and also want to collect tax based on the salary a
company might have paid an employee to support that switch, router or


That's all I have for you today, but you can check on upcoming user
meeting at the NFANP website, which will even include Perl meetings if
we have another one soon. Hint hint.





p.s. The mailer ate my last message. Hopefully it will not cough up the
old one now that I have resent it.

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