[Tallahassee-pm] Meeting was a success!

James Tillman jptillman at comcast.net
Fri Feb 28 21:58:53 CST 2003

I just wanted to take a moment and say that our first PerlMongers
meeting at the Black Dog Cafe was a big success.  Although only 3 of us
attended:  Me, Todd Cushard, and Hector Holguin, we had a series of
great discussions and I found myself genuinely disappointed when the
time came to leave.

Todd won the drawing for the free year's subscription to Safari. 
Congratulations, Todd!


I showed off the books from our "library" and the other 2 attendees
decided to borrow them.  Our most recent addition is "Linux Server
Hacks".  A very recently released book.  We'll be putting a listing of
the books on our Wiki site (link to it from http://tallahassee.pm.org)
and keeping track of who has them on those pages.


We also decided we'd like to start working on a Perl project together. 
It would be something we could all enjoy working on and learn something
new.  Please give some thought to what you'd like to learn and offer
suggestions.  To offer my own suggestion: I have a few open source Perl
projects on Sourceforge.net, any one of which we could collaborate on if
they end up being interesting to us all.  I'll send a description of
some of them in another message later.


During the meeting, Todd also mentioned he'd like to know more about
Perl 6 and how it will look.  There's a constant status report coming
from the Perl.com site that highlights developments.  Here's a link to
the latest one:

I got on the email list from Perl.com a while back, so if you want
regular updates, you can sign up, too.


We didn't really decide how often or when to meet, but I'm thinking that
unless someone disagrees, the last Thursday of each month would work. 
So let's assume for now that our next meeting will be the last Thursday
of March.  The Black Dog turned out to be an excellent location, but
Hector mentioned meeting at our homes.  That would be great, too.  Let
me know what your thoughts are on that.  We can decide later on.

Again, it was a great time.  Thanks to the guys who made it.  For those
who didn't, don't despair, next time should be even better!


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