SPUG: How can I find @1 - @2?

Murray Chapman muzzle at imdb.com
Wed Jan 24 16:28:11 PST 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Atom Powers wrote:

> I need to find the difference between two sets of data, two arrays.

Convert one array to a hash and use it as a filter:

  my @students = qw(fred peter alex john susan penny);

  my @enrolled = qw(john fred peter);

  my %enrolled = map {$_ => 1} @enrolled;

  my @not_enrolled = grep {!$enrolled{$_}} @students;


-- Murray Chapman                               Zheenl Punczna          --
-- muzzle at imdb.com                              zhmmyr at vzqo.pbz         --
-- Internet Movie Database                      Vagrearg Zbivr Qngnonfr --
-- http://www.imdb.com                          uggc://jjj.vzqo.pbz     --

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