SPUG: mkfavhtm.pl -- Converting IE favorites to HTM (unix/mozilla users just ignore me)

John W. Krahn krahnj at telus.net
Mon Jul 10 13:26:46 PDT 2006

Aaron West wrote:
> Hardly spug-relevant, and half+ of you guys probably are mozilla users, but
> here goes...
> Is your Internet Explorer Favorites list too full of junk? You *could*
> organize it, but I was too lazy for that. (I always liked Netscape bookmarks
> better, yet lately I'm an IE user.) 
> I'm sure someone has a better solution, but here's mine; a script that reads
> all *.url files in the favorites folder and outputs HTML. When you are done
> you can del *.url (if you like the resulting page), or move or archive them
> (recommended). ZIP has some filename restrictions; I found WinRAR works.
> Alright, I admit a hashtable isn't necessary. I could use a list, but a
> hashtable seemed easy, as long as you can remember the key element (comma)
> separator in hashtables is "\x1c".
> The sort below is by modification date. Change to your liking, eg:
> 1,$ s/$mtime, $url, $filename/$filename, $mtime, $url/
> # mkfavhtm.pl - 7/09/2006 Aaron W. West tallpeak at hotmail.com
> # Usage: run inside the favorites directory, eg:
> # CD "%HOME%\Favorites"
> # perl mkfavhtm.pl > favorites.htm
> use strict;
> use HTTP::Date;
> print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>IE Favorites</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
> print "<BODY><H1>IE Favorites</H1>\n<UL>";
> my %url;
> while ( defined( my $filename = <*> ) ) {
>     if ($filename =~ /\.url$/i) 
>     {

You could always combine both of those:

while ( my $filename = <*.[uU][rR][lL]> ) {

> 	my (
> 	    $dev,  $ino,   $mode,  $nlink, $uid,     $gid, $rdev,
> 	    $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks
> 	) = stat($filename);
> 	open FH, "<$filename" || die "Can't open file $filename";

Because of the high precedence of the '||' operator die() will never execute.
 You need to either use parentheses:

 	open( FH, "<$filename" ) || die "Can't open file $filename";

Or the low precedence 'or' operator:

 	open FH, "<$filename" or die "Can't open file $filename";

You should also include the $! or the $^E variable in the error message so you
know why the open failed.

It also may be more efficient to open the file first and then stat the opened

 	open FH, '<', $filename or die "Can't open file '$filename' $!";
        my $mtime = ( stat FH )[ 9 ];

> 	my $url = undef;
> 	while ( defined( my $line = <FH> ) ) {
> 	    if ( $line =~ /^URL=([^\r\n]*)/ ) {
> 		$url = $1;
> 	    }
> 	}
> 	close FH;
> 	$filename =~ s/\.url$//;

You forgot the /i option:

 	$filename =~ s/\.url$//i;

> 	$url{ $mtime, $url, $filename }++ 
> 	    if defined $url;
>     }
> }
> for ( sort keys %url ) {
>     my ( $mtime, $url, $filename ) = split( "\x1c", $_ );

No need to remember the value of the $; variable, just use the $; variable

     my ( $mtime, $url, $filename ) = split $;;

>     printf qq{<LI><a href="%s">%s</a> - %s\n}, 
> 	$url, $filename, HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime);

No need for the extra overhead of printf:

     print qq{<LI><a href="$url">$filename</a> - }, HTTP::Date::time2str(
$mtime ), "\n";

> }
> print "</UL>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
> __END__

use Perl;

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