SPUG: running script with the variables on the same line

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Sun May 29 19:44:32 PDT 2005

On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 07:31:04PM -0700, Jay Scherrer wrote:
> I was thinking of $argv, but is that only used for files?
> Jay Scherrer

Yes; That variable provides the name of the currently open file
when you use -n/-p to get an "implicit input-reading loop".

He could of course have used @ARGV to grab the arguments 
and set the variables on his own, but life's too short for that! 8-}

| Tim Maher, PhD     (206) 781-UNIX      (866) DOC-PERL     (866) DOC-UNIX |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  http://TeachMePerl.Com  http://TeachMeUnix.Com |
|   Watch for my Summer, 2005 book: "Minimal Perl for UNIX/Linux People"   |

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