SPUG: Web site == good! ... wiki == ?

Andrew Sweger andrew at sweger.net
Thu May 19 14:38:44 PDT 2005

On Thu, 19 May 2005, Adam Monsen wrote:

> I must've been living under a rock, but I just noticed a change of
> face at http://seattleperl.org/ , and it looks great! Nice work.

Thanks! :)

> On a side note, the wiki ( http://wiki.seattleperl.org/ ) looks
> completely decimated by wiki spammers.

Yeah. It's not fun.

On Thu, 19 May 2005, Rizvi, Ali wrote:

> Isn't there a way to restrict posts to wiki by registered members only?

There is, but I've been really lax managing the software that runs the

> How hard would it be to add such a thing on the existing wiki?

I'm not really sure how much work it would be. I'm considering a different
bit of Wiki software. *shrug* What I want to use is OpenID now. That is
some sweet stuff (coming soon to OpenID.net).

> I agree with Adam that the website looks very nice, good work "$web_master\n".

Thank you. =)

On Thu, 19 May 2005, Aaron W. West wrote:

> I think I returned it to the previous version. 
> That is, I clicked <| (previous version), then edit, then save. I got an
> error, but either it worked anyway, or someone else did it at almost the
> same time.

That's the way to do it (short of rcs -o on the revision files). I think
there are some file permission problems that is causing some of those
errors. Thanks for tackling that.

Andrew B. Sweger -- The great thing about multitasking is that several
                                things can go wrong at once.

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