SPUG: getpwent bug in find2perl

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Sat Aug 13 17:16:22 PDT 2005


Consider this situation:

unix$ find2perl . -ls > find_ls.pl	# Using latest File::Find v1.09

<Later, somewhere in Redmond>

C> find_ls.pl
The getpwent function is unimplemented at -e line 1.

I understand that getpwent() is a native Unix library function,
and that Windoze doesn't even have the passwd-file entries
alluded to by the PW/ent part of the name, but I don't understand
why find2perl blithely composes a script that depends on this
function, when find2perl itself is principally used to let Windoze
people pretend to have a find command.

Anybody have any fixes for this (e.g,. use POSIX_something), or
other insights?

| Tim Maher (and Yeshe Sherpa)      HOME:  Seattle, WA USA   |
| 21ft MOTORHOME: Chinook Premier   BOAT:  Zodiac inflatable |
| NAVIGATION AID: Sherpa wife       EMAIL: Tim at TimMaher.org  |

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