SPUG: QOTW restarted -- #16 currently running

Brian Ingerson ingy at ttul.org
Thu May 13 10:55:34 CDT 2004

At the SPUG meeting next Tuseday I'll show you how to do this as a Perl
one-liner with IO::All. Of course it will be one of the more mundane
things you can do with IO::All. I'll also show you how to write a one
line webserver and much more.

Cheers, Brian

On 13/05/04 08:39 -0700, Michael R. Wolf wrote:
> Perl Quiz-of-the-Week #16 is out, after a long hiatus.
> Get more information:
>     http://perl.plover.com/qotw/
> Here's the body of the quiz.
> IMPORTANT: Please do not post solutions, hints, or other spoilers
>         until at least 60 hours after the date of this message.
>         Thanks.
> IMPORTANTE: Por favor, no enviéis soluciones, pistas, o cualquier otra
>         cosa que pueda echar a perder la resolución del problema hasta
>         que hayan pasado por lo menos 60 horas desde el envío de este
>         mensaje. Gracias.
> IMPORTANT: S'il vous plaît, attendez au minimum 60 heures après la
>         date de ce message avant de poster solutions, indices ou autres
>         révélations. Merci.
> WICHTIG: Bitte schicken Sie keine Lösungen, Tipps oder Hinweise für
>         diese Aufgabe vor Ablauf von 60 Stunden nach dem Datum dieser
>         Mail. Danke.
> BELANGRIJK: Stuur aub geen oplossingen, hints of andere tips in de
>         eerste 60 uur na het verzendingstijdstip van dit
>         bericht. Waarvoor dank.
> VNIMANIE: Pozhalujsta ne shlite reshenija, nameki na reshenija, i
>         voobshe lyubye podskazki v techenie po krajnej mere 60 chasov
>         ot daty etogo soobshenija.  Spasibo.
> Qing3 Zhu4Yi4: Qing3 Ning2 Deng3Dao4 Jie1Dao4 Ben3 Xin4Xi2 Zhi1Hou4 60
>         Xiao3Shi2, Zai4 Fa1Biao3 Jie3Da2, Ti2Shi4, Huo4 Qi2Ta1 Hui4
>         Xie4Lou4 Da2An4 De5 Jian4Yi4.  Xie4Xie4.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This quiz is phrased for Unix systems. If it makes sense to write a
> solution for Windows or other systems, feel free to do so.
> The usual way to look for a character string in files in Unix is to use
> grep. For instance, let's say you want to search for the word 'summary'
> without regard to case in all files in a certain directory. You might say:
> grep -i summary *
> But if there is a very large number of files in your directory, you will
> get something like this:
> ksh: /usr/bin/grep: arg list too long
> Now, you could just issue multiple commands, like this:
> grep -i summary [A-B]*
> grep -i summary [C-E]*
> etc.
> ... but that's so tedious. Write a Perl program that allows you to search
> all files in such a directory with one command.
> You're probably wondering:
> - Should I use grep? egrep? fgrep? Perl's regex matching?
> - Should there be an option to make the search case-sensitive or not?
> - Should we traverse all files under all subdirectories?
> You can decide for yourself on these questions. There is one other
> requirement, though: the program must not fail when it finds things for
> which grepping does not make sense (e.g. directories or named pipes).
> -- 
> Michael R. Wolf
>     All mammals learn by playing!
>         MichaelRWolf at att.net
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