SPUG: Wiki is up, sorta

Andrew Sweger andrew at sweger.net
Mon Jan 19 00:42:53 CST 2004

It seems an apache upgrade in the last week dramatically changed the way
configuration is handled and waited for a logrotate restart to trigger the
problem. I've got SpugWiki up and now have to figure out how to get all
the other sites I host back up. This is forcing me to start taking care of
a much needed config rewrite/reorg.

Please bring any SpugWiki problems to my attention (with the exception of
CSS issues).

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Andrew Sweger wrote:

> Yes, I know it's down. Not sure what I screwed up yet. 
> (So too are nearly all the other Wiki's I host.)

Andrew B. Sweger -- The great thing about multitasking is that several
                                things can go wrong at once.

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