SPUG: Perl 5.8.1

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes sthoenna at efn.org
Thu Sep 25 18:56:35 CDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 10:14:50AM -0700, Colin Meyer <cmeyer at helvella.org> wrote:
> After a long and arduous development cycle, Jarkko Hietaniemi has 
> released Perl 5.8.1.
> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/J/JH/JHI/perl-5.8.1.tar.gz
> Jarkko's announcement on p5p:
> http://nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/82678

I think Jarkko had to release it now or never...the perl5-porters hive
mind was beginning to break down.  Witness:

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 10:34:26 -0400, those who shall remain anonymous wrote:
>>>>>> In my day, we used to edit the inodes by hand.  With
>>>>>> magnets.
>>>>> You had magnets?!
>>>> Yeah, we were right posh in our house.
>>> We had to hang our inodes north-south and whack them with hammers to
>>> try to get them inodes to shuffle right.
>> You're lucky!  We had to align the inodes and wait for the Earth's
>> magnetic poles to flip!  Take about a slow read/write rate...
>Poles? You had two poles? Wow, that must have made things easy. We
>only had one pole...

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