SPUG: DB connection via SSH tunneling

Jim Flanagan jimfl at tensegrity.net
Thu Sep 25 17:23:59 CDT 2003

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Ken Clarke wrote:

> Here's what I have in mind.  They can run Vandyke's VShell behind their
> corporate firewall.  VShell can be configured to provide ODBC connectivity
> to any system DSN on the internal LAN.  I can create an SSH connection using
> Net::SSH::Perl but this is as far as I get.  I have the ODBC connection in
> my left hand and DBI's methods in the right hand.  How do I bring the two
> together?

  You need to set up a port forward with ssh, then have DBI connect to the
  local port. Let's say that the database on the remote machine is running
  on port 123. We will set up a local port 9123 on the local machine that
  forwards traffic to the 123 on the remote machine over the SSH

  With the command line, that would look like:

	ssh -L9123:localhost:123 user at remote

  With Net::SSH::Perl, you'd have to use the options parameter to the
  constructor to set this up:

    $ssh = new Net::SSH::Perl("remote",
	options => ["LocalForward 9123 localhost:123"]);

  Then you can use DBI to connect to the database on locahost:9123 as



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