SPUG: Re: Installing CPAN from CPAN on RH9 -- issus

Jeremy Mates jmates at sial.org
Wed Sep 17 12:27:13 CDT 2003

* Chris Wilkes <cwilkes-spug at ladro.com>
> Installing Bundle::CPAN from within the CPAN shell gets me this error:
> Bundle::libnet and the following items had problems during recursive
> bundle calls: Data::Dumper

I would avoid Bundle::libnet and Bundle::CPAN.  Instead:

install CPAN

To get the most up-to-date version of CPAN, e.g. a version that does not
attempt to upgrade perl itself or other annoyances. The new version of
CPAN might then allow you to upgrade modules.

However, RedHat Linux probably has broken other things about perl...

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