SPUG:help with good passwords

Adam Monsen adamm at wazamatta.com
Wed May 14 00:07:05 CDT 2003

Brian Hatch wrote:
>>My challenge is that passwd keep strict rules about
>>what kind of passwords are good (not based on a
>>dictionary word, at least n characters), and will
>>error if the password is bad.
> It's probably using cracklib.
> Here's what I wrote years ago (still works)

compile-time errors:
- bail is not a function name
- looks like you included the last half of a heredoc (ending in 'EOM') 
but forgot the operator to start the heredoc

potential runtime errors:
- /usr/sbin/crack_testlib doesn't exist on my system (is it supposed to?)

The following works for me... strange lookin' Perl, though. :)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-lcrack';
use Inline C => <<'END_C';
   #include <crack.h>
   void test_pw(const char *pw, const char *dict_path)
     char *msg;
     msg = FascistCheck(pw, dict_path);
     if (msg)
       printf("MSG: %s\n", msg);
       printf("Password accepted.\n");
     return 0;

# intentionally designed to work only on my box.
# don't really use this.
test_pw("foo", "/usr/lib/cracklib_dict");

>   # try cracklib
>   use FileHandle;
>   use IPC::Open2;
>   open2(*RD, *WR, "/usr/sbin/crack_testlib") or bail "crack_testlib
>   failed";
>   print WR "$NEWPW\n" or bail "Couldn't write";
>   close WR;
>   my($pw,$reason);
>   while (<RD>) {
>           ($pw,$reason) = split /: /;
>           # Strip trailing space
>           $reason =~ s/\s*$//g;
>           if ($pw eq $NEWPW) {
>                   last if ($reason eq 'ok')
>           }
>   }
>   close RD;
>   if ( $reason ne "ok" ) {
>         <h2>Password Strength Error</h2>
>         Sorry, the password you supplied is not strong enough.
>         The automated password checking routine said the following:
>         <p>
>         <b>"$reason"</b>
>         <p>
>         Please go back and try again with a stronger password.
>   EOM
>   }

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