SPUG:Object property question

Michael R. Wolf MichaelRunningWolf at att.net
Tue May 6 20:30:17 CDT 2003

"Carroll, Frank H." <Frank.Carroll at wamu.net> writes:

> Andrew, you had me at dipthong.
Is dipthong [sic] self-descriptive?  :-)

Is self-descriptive self-descriptive?

And now for something completely unrelated.  A little word play to
finish off this thread....

    Trivia: Enjoin is its own antonym. Other self-antonyms include fast
    ("moving quickly; fixed firmly in place") and cleave ("to split; to

      -- Doctor Dictionary <doctor at dictionary.com>


diph·thong ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (dfthông, -thng, dp-) n. 

    A complex speech sound or glide that begins with one vowel and
    gradually changes to another vowel within the same syllable, as
    (oi) in boil or () in fine.

Michael R. Wolf
    All mammals learn by playing!
        MichaelRunningWolf at att.net

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