SPUG:What lists to cross-post to?

Michael R. Wolf MichaelRunningWolf at att.net
Thu Jun 12 14:25:46 CDT 2003

Tim Maher <tim at consultix-inc.com> writes:


> Whaddya all think? Would I be arrested for Spamming, or is this a
> good idea?

Cross-posting is good, excessive cross-posting is bad.

I'd suggest these guidelines:

 - spug-list-owner should do all the cross postings. That lessens the
   load on others, by centralizing the marketing effort, and makes it
   more consistent.

 - Encourage folks that are currently posting to put in a good word as
   a follow up to the message.

 - Creat a great (short, descriptive) header to quickly give folks
   enough info to read or delete the message.  Essentially:
      "SPUG Meeting Announcement for <<00/00>> -- <<Topic goes here>>"

 - A whole copy/paste of the 1-2 paragraph meeting announcement and a
   URL for further information.

A question I'd ask you would be -- what kinds of announcements would
you welcome on this board? Then "do unto others as you would have
ndone unto you".

I would welcome more announcements on SPUG. If I liked them, I'd
subscribe over there, however. I wouldn't expect to receive all my
info as a a cross-post. A cross-post should only be a teaser to the
real magilla.

As far as groups, how 'bout these (for various reasons)?
  pm.org -- general calendar for itinerant IT workers?
  PHP User Group
  Python User Group
  Java User Group
  Data Base User Groups (Oracle, Informix, MySQL, DB2)
  www.perl.org -> perl.daily.news
  (any google search yeilding SPUG or these cross-posted groups)

Some may accept a cross-posting, but some will have a closed door
policy toward announcing outside meetings.

Michael R. Wolf
    All mammals learn by playing!
        MichaelRunningWolf at att.net

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