SPUG:object in a hash

mkorb mkorb at systemsbiology.org
Wed Jun 4 11:03:03 CDT 2003

Here is a script slice



1          $INFOHASH{$infoRecord = new

2                                  print "$infoRecord\n";

3          print "$infoRecord->{comName1}\n";



6          foreach my $key (keys %INFOHASH)

7          {

8                                  print "$key\n";

9                                  print "$INFOHASH{$key}\n";

10                                 print "$key->{comName1}\n";

11         }


Line 2 prints the same as line 8 

Line 3 prints the correct value, so does line 9 

Line 10 gives me the following error "can not use String RecordObject=
Hash... as Hashref while strict refs in use. 


Isn't line 10 the same as Line 3, see Line 2 and 8


What am I overlooking? 





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