SPUG: aliases, -> Korn Shell vs. PD-ksh

William Julien moonbeam at catmanor.com
Thu Jan 23 22:55:26 CST 2003

>I recommend downloading the binary-only version, because the
>source-code distribution has the weirdest installation procedure
>ever devised by man, and anybody having experience with conventional
>installation techniques will undoubtedly foul it up.
>Click on "ksh - standalone AT&T ksh executable" at

I'm a big korn shell fan. I found that the installation can be very
simple by just putting ksh into /bin and edit the /etc/shells. All
the other stuff isn't necessary. 

By the way, my .kshrc it contains:


# terminal and title bar status (interactive only)
case $- in
        if [ `whence _cd | wc -l`  -eq 0 ]; then
                function _cd
                    cd "$@"
                    /bin/echo -n "^[]2;$HOST:$PWD^G^[]1;$HOST^G"
                alias cd=_cd
                cd `pwd`
        export TERM=xterm

The ^[ is an escape character and ^G is CTRL-G. This puts the path in the
xterm title bar and keeps my prompt a nice constant "-->". 

   William Julien           _,'|            _.-''``-...___..--';
moonbeam at catmanor.com      /, \'.      _..-' ,      ,--...--'''
 vi is my shepherd;       < \   .`--'''      `     /| 
 i shall not font.         `-,;'              ;   ; ;  
                     __...--''     __...--_..'  .;.'  
                    (,__....----'''      (,..--''     
perl -e '( $ ,, $ ")=("a".."z")[0,-1]; print "sh", $ ","m\n";;";;"'

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