SPUG: assigning to $0; different Linuces

David Dyck david.dyck at fluke.com
Thu Aug 28 21:10:39 CDT 2003

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 at 18:21 -0700, Ben Reser <ben at reser.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:03:20PM -0700, Jeremy G Kahn wrote:
> > Has anybody else discovered that the ability to assign with $0 varies
> > across even Linux versions?

no :-)

> [snip]
> IIRC there are two different procps distributions.  Likely the
> difference is that Debian is using a different one than RedHat.

I agree with Ben.

> You might also compare the content of the various "files" in /proc/$$/
> Where $$ = your pid

Here's a quick example that uses the linux /proc filesystem
 (try may 5 proc)
that should work on both your linux systems

$ cmdline aaa bbb

$ cat /usr0/dcd/bin/cmdline
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

sub getfile($)
    my $fname = shift;
    open FILE,"<$fname" || die "can't open $fname:$!\n";
    local $/;
    my $file=<FILE> || die "can't read $fname:$!\n";
    close FILE || die "can't close $fname:$!\n";
    # print "$fname=$file\n";
    return $file;

sub proc_cmdline($)
    my $pid = shift;
    my $cmdline=getfile("/proc/$pid/cmdline");
    $cmdline =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
    print "cmdline=$cmdline\n";

sub proc_stat($)
    my $pid = shift;
    my $stat=getfile("/proc/$pid/stat");
    if ($stat =~ m/\(([^)]*)\)/) {
	print "stat=$1\n";
    } else {
	print "stat: no match in $stat\n";

sub show($)
    print " ",shift,":\n";

show "before";


show "after";


man 5 proc

                     This holds the complete command line for the
                     process,  unless  the whole process has been
                     swapped out, or unless the process is a zom­
                     bie.   In either of these later cases, there
                     is nothing in this file: i.e. a read on this
                     file  will return 0 characters.  The command
                     line arguments appear in this file as a  set
                     of  null-separated  strings,  with a further
                     null byte after the last string.

              stat   Status  information about the process.  This
                     is  used  by  ps(1).   It  is   defined   in

                     The  fields,  in  order,  with  their proper
                     scanf(3) format specifiers, are:

                      pid %d The process id.

                     comm %s
                             The filename of the  executable,  in
                             parentheses.     This   is   visible
                             whether or  not  the  executable  is
                             swapped out.

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