SPUG: Module Dist

C.J. Collier cjcollier at colliertech.org
Sun Aug 3 16:53:38 CDT 2003

Hey all,

I'm working on a cute little hack for what's becoming Seattle Wireless'
favorite new router, the WRT54G.  This little box runs Linux 2.4.5-mips,
and we've found a way to get a shell on it, among other things.  I'm
writing a perl module and a set of scripts that use it to automate a
bunch of the things required to get said shell.  I'm thinking of
releasing the module on the CPAN if anyone thinks it's a useful tool. 
Could I get some of you to review it?  I release new versions when I
think they're ready, so I won't give you an exact version ;)  Check this
directory and get the one with the biggest number:


Thanks much!


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