SPUG: Calling all LDAP gurus

Alyssa Harding axhard2 at uswest.com
Tue May 23 13:56:41 CDT 2000

I'm having a problem doing a search on our company's corporate LDAP
and I need some help!

My goal is this.  I have a fairly large table from an existing
database and I need to verify some of the entries against those in
the corporate LDAP.  I have no problems with DBI, getting the
records from the existing database out, the problem is the LDAP

Here's some code - $LDAP_host and $LDAP_port are defined correctly,
I'll just skip that part:
use Net::LDAP;
use strict;

my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $LDAP_host, port => $LDAP_port) or
  print "Couldn't create LDAP connection $!<BR>\n";

$ldap->bind or print "Couldn't bind successfully $!<BR>\n";

my $mesg = $ldap->search( base => 'c=uswest.com,ou=People',
		          filter => '(uid=axhard2)',
			  attrs => [ 'cn', 'mail', 'st' ]
		        ) or print "Problem with search $!<BR>";


Okay, now I know that when the search comes back, it's a
Net::LDAP::Search object.  I also know that, were the search
successful, I would be able to get entries out of the object using
entry() and be able to find out how many entries there are using

I have verified that the uid value above (my own uid) works
correctly when I query the corporate LDAP through the web server
they have set up, and the three attributes do indeed exist for all
records (not just mine).

The problem is, I don't get any results back.  The search object
returned looks like this after the $ldap->search() above:

$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'matchedDN' => '',
                 'mesgid' => 2,
                 'resultCode' => 32,
                 'parent' => bless( {
                                      'net_ldap_resp' => {},
                                      'net_ldap_mesg' => {},
                                      'net_ldap_async' => '0',
                                      'net_ldap_version' => 2,
                                      'net_ldap_host' =>
                                      'net_ldap_debug' => '0',
                                      'net_ldap_socket' => bless(
\*Symbol::GEN0, 'IO::Socket::INET' )
                                    }, 'Net::LDAP' ),
                 'callback' => undef,
                 'errorMessage' => ''
               }, 'Net::LDAP::Search' );

No entries, no error messages, nothin' :(

Can someone please help?

Alyssa W. Harding 
Web Programmer
U S WEST Creative Services
phon: (206) 345-4073
cell: (206) 769-8735
He had a unique stride: it looked as though his body was being
forward and his legs had to flail around underneath it, landing
they could find room. It wasn't so much a walk as a collapse,
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Maskerade)

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