[SP-pm] perlbrew e distribuições Linux antigas

Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior glasswalk3r at yahoo.com.br
Sat Jun 21 08:37:42 PDT 2014

Em 18-06-2014 13:23, Daniel de Oliveira Mantovani escreveu:
> Alceu,
> Eu olhei o código fonte do Crypt-SSLeay-0.64 e não tem nenhum lugar
> mesmo para passar o header a lib (OPENSSL_LIB e OPENSSL_INCLUDE).
> :(

Acho que de uma forma geral o suporte a SSL do Perl anda meio precário.


"Starting with version 6.02 of LWP, https support was unbundled into 
LWP::Protocol::https. This module specifies as one of its prerequisites 
IO::Socket::SSL which is automatically used by LWP::UserAgent unless 
this preference is overridden separately. IO::Socket::SSL is a more 
complete implementation, and, crucially, it allows hostname 
verification. Crypt::SSLeay does not support this. At this point, 
Crypt::SSLeay is maintained to support existing software that already 
depends on it. However, it is possible that your software does not 
really depend on Crypt::SSLeay, only on the ability of LWP::UserAgent 
class to communicate with sites over SSL/TLS."

Vamos ver agora o IO::Socket::SSL:


     'NAME' => 'IO::Socket::SSL',
     'ABSTRACT' => 'Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for 
     'AUTHOR' => 'Steffen Ullrich <sullr at cpan.org>, Peter Behroozi, 
Marko Asplund',
     'LICENSE' => 'perl',
     'DISTNAME' => 'IO-Socket-SSL',
     'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pm',
     'PREREQ_PM' => {
'Net::SSLeay' => 1.46,

Vamos ver o Net::SSLeay:


"There are currently two perl modules for using OpenSSL C library: 
Net::SSLeay (maintaned by me) and SSLeay (maintained by OpenSSL team). 
This module is the Net::SSLeay variant.

At the time of making this release, Eric's module was still quite 
sketchy and could not be used for real work, thus I felt motivated to 
make this maintenance release. This module is not planned to evolve to 
contain any further functionality, i.e. I will concentrate on just 
making a simple SSL connection over TCP socket. Presumably Eric's own 
module will offer full SSLeay API one day.

This module uses OpenSSL-0.9.6c. It does not work with any earlier 
version and there is no guarantee that it will work with later versions 
either, though as long as C API does not change, it should. This module 
requires perl5.005, or 5.6.0 (or better?) though I believe it would 
build with any perl5.002 or newer."

E agora a cereja no topo do bolo:


Esta aí uma sugestão para desenvolvimento financiado pela Perl 
Foundation, principalmente depois do "causo" do Heartbleed. :-)



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