[sf-perl] The SF Perl Raku Study Group, 10/08 at 1pm PDT

Joseph Brenner doomvox at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 13:35:26 PDT 2023

   "[Steven Mithen] describes the cultural
   revolution that took place about 40,000 years ago and
   that introduced complex multi-part tools and the
   elements of higher culture, including art, religion, and
   more complex forms of social organization. How to
   account for this explosion of creative activity? Mithen
   postulates an organically based cognitive development in
   which the previously separate domains of the mind became
   accessible to one another. He argues that the domains
   devoted to technical understanding, social interaction,
   and natural history blended together, and that out of
   this blend there emerged an entirely new range of
   creative cognitive activity. Mithen describes this new
   capability as 'cognitive fluidity,' and he argues
   cogently that it is the basis for all our more
   imaginative, inventive cultural achievements."

      Joseph Carroll, "Steven Pinker’s Cheesecake For The Mind" (1998)

The Raku Study Group

October 8th, 2023  1pm in California, 8pm in the UK

An informal meeting: drop by when you can, show us what you've got,
ask and answer questions, or just listen and lurk.

Perl and programming in general are fair game, along with Raku,

Zoom meeting link:

Passcode: 4RakuRoll

RSVPs are useful, though not needed:

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