[sf-perl] perltidy frustration

Michael Friedman frimicc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 10:31:30 PST 2013

I'm trying to get my new office (Polyvore.com -- we're hiring, BTW) to adopt perltidy for their existing, but complicated, code style standards. I've managed to get it relatively close, but I'm running into a wall with two particular cases. Since a number of SFPM members seem to be masters of perltidy, I wondered if anyone might have an idea of what I can try to get these to work. (My .perltidyrc is at the bottom of this email.)

Thanks for any advice!
-- Mike Friedman

First case: How do I get perltidy to line up equal signs with other equal-like things, like ||=, //=, and so on? The lining-up-of-equals doesn't seem to be controllable by any of the flags I could find. The BEFORE code is turned into the AFTER code by perltidy with my options.

$params->{_default_sort} = '-count';                                                                                         
$params->{_sort_map}     = TAG_SORT;
$params->{_limit}      ||= Cons::MAX_CLEAN_TAGS;
$sql                     = _limit_order($sql, $params);

$params->{_default_sort} = '-count';                                                                                             
$params->{_sort_map}     = TAG_SORT;
$params->{_limit} ||= Cons::MAX_CLEAN_TAGS;
$sql = _limit_order($sql, $params);

Second case: The BEFORE code is turned into the AFTER code. The statement about 'mod_stack_layer' is arguably more readable before than after, but I can't get perltidy to not merge the lines as it does. For other reasons I'm not allowed to shorten the line length < 120 characters or to make all lists vertical. I know I could put in a format-skipping marker (#<<<  do not let perltidy touch this), but this construction occurs often enough to make that painful.

Any ideas on how I can get this to stay broken the old way? 

sub render_stack {
    my ($resp, $item, $options) = @_;
    my $req = $resp->request();

    my $size = $options->{size} || 's';
    my $class = $options->{class} || '';
    my $renderer = $options->{renderer} || \&render_item;

    my $content = &$renderer($resp, $item, { size => $size });

    my $id = $options->{id} || Request::dom_unique_id();

    return $req->div({
            id => $id,
            class => "mod_stack $class size_$size",
        $req->div({ class => 'mod_stack_layer' },
            $req->div({ class => 'mod_stack_layer' },
                $req->div({ class => 'mod_stack_content' }, $content),

sub render_stack {
    my ($resp, $item, $options) = @_;
    my $req = $resp->request(); 
    my $size     = $options->{size}     || 's';
    my $class    = $options->{class}    || '';
    my $renderer = $options->{renderer} || \&render_item;
    my $content = &$renderer($resp, $item, { size => $size });
    my $id = $options->{id} || Request::dom_unique_id();                                                                        
    return $req->div({
            id    => $id,
            class => "mod_stack $class size_$size",
            { class => 'mod_stack_layer' },
            $req->div({ class => 'mod_stack_layer' }, $req->div({ class => 'mod_stack_content' }, $content),),

-l=120      # Max line width of 120 cols                                                                                        
-i=4        # Indent is 4 spaces
-ci=2       # Continuation indent is also 4
#-st        # Output to STDOUT
-se         # Errors to STDERR
-vt=2       # Max vertical tightness for opening blocks
-cti=0      # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-ce         # Use "cuddled" else
-bar        # Open brace always on right
-pt=2       # Max parens tightness
-bt=1       # Medium brace tightness
-bvt=0      # Min non-code-block brace tightness
-sbt=2      # Max square bracket tightness 
-bbt=1      # Medium block brace tightness
-sot        # Stack opening tokens
-sct        # Stack closing tokens
-nsfs       # No space before semicolons
-nolq       # Don't outdent long quoted strings
-nbbc       # No blank line before comment line
-msc=1      # Minimum space to trailing comment
-wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
            # Break before all operators, not just the defaults

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