[sf-perl] poll: web or no?

Michael Friedman friedman at highwire.stanford.edu
Sat May 1 14:32:32 PDT 2010

Non-web. Mostly XML handling and database manipulation.

Some folks in charge decided long ago that "Perl is too slow to handle our web traffic," so I can't even attempt to get a foot in the door there. We're only allowed to use Perl for web stuff when it's internal-only. 

That said, we do have a number of quite nice internal websites running on CGI.pm, but they were written once, long ago, and designed so that we'd only have to change the non-web back end objects. So I'll modify a module and it will be used by both a command-line script and a Perl-run website. But the work almost never involves anything web related, it's only the objects that do the real work that need changes. Let's hear it for MVC!

-- Mike

PS - Yes, I know that by using CGI we're practically guaranteeing that the sites are slow. I've tried to change that decision, but alas, no luck so far. Heck, we're still running perl 5.8.6 and upgrading is not a priority, even though it'll make XML handling soooo much easier. It's no fun being a second-class citizen. 
Mike Friedman | HighWire Press, Stanford Univ | friedman at highwire.stanford.edu

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