[sf-perl] Going from XML to SQL

Joseph Brenner doom at kzsu.stanford.edu
Thu Mar 24 10:10:43 PST 2005

Chris Mungall <cjm at fruitfly.org> wrote:

> Joseph Brenner wrote:

> > Before the last meeting, Rich Morin and Josh Berkus were talking
> > about the issues involved with translating data structures
> > between XML to SQL. I just came across something on CPAN that
> > looks relevent, DBIx::DBStag::Cookbook:
> >
> >     http://search.cpan.org/~cmungall/DBIx-DBStag-0.06/DBIx/DBStag/Cookbook.pm

> I'm the author of this, and as it happens I'm an occasional lurker on
> sfpm. Glad you found the module interesting. It is being actively used in
> a number of bioinformatics projects at the moment.
> Yes, lots of people find the stag concept a bit funny, I'm emphasising
> that less these days, the module can be used as a general SQL<->XML
> mapping tools.

What I meant was that sometimes you get the usual technical religious
wars going with the XML vs. lisp s-expressions.  Your answer is
something like "what's the difference?", that's what makes it funny.

> I haven't made it out to an sfpug event yet but I'm always happy to chat
> about SQLy-XMLy-perly stuff.

Well you know, if you feel like giving a little presentation on 
DBIx::DBStag sometime, I'd certainly be interested. 

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