[San-Diego-pm] Jan 14, 2008 Meeting Follow Up

Chris Grau chris at chrisgrau.com
Tue Jan 15 07:43:38 PST 2008

Morning, all.

At last night's meeting, I promised to follow up with a few topics that
may or may not be of any interest to the group.

First, SCALE 6x.  The Southern California Linux Expo will take place on
February 8 - 10 (Fri - Sun) at the Westin Los Angeles Airport.


The good folks at LosAngeles.pm have secured an exhibition booth and
have kindly extended us an invitation to share in the excitement.


I'm told we'll be exhibiting Misterhouse, a home automation system
written in Perl, as well as a simple application demonstrating Parrot
interfacing with SDL.


Also, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, attending SCALE
will only cost half of what you thought it would.  Use the promotional
code "PMONG" to receive a 50% discount on registration.

The schedule of sessions looks exciting (at least for Linux geeks such
as myself), so I hope to see some of you there.

Second, the Kernel-Panic Linux Programming Study Group (LPSG) has just
started an informal study session.  They will be working their way
through MIT's popular course, Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs.  MIT describes the course thusly,

    This course introduces students to the principles of computation.
    Upon completion of 6.001, students should be able to explain and
    apply the basic methods from programming languages to analyze
    computational systems, and to generate computational solutions to
    abstract problems.  Substantial weekly programming assignments are
    an integral part of the course.  This course is worth 4 Engineering
    Design Points.

The course is taught with Scheme, but functional programming is in the
blood of some Perl Mongers, so I'm sure there will be opportunities to
subversively slip sigil-laden software into the discussion.


Finally, our February meeting is tentatively scheduled for the Qualcomm
auditorium.  We hope to have a presentation in February.  Always
exciting to have one of those.
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