Books for sale (fwd)

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at
Wed Mar 10 14:05:23 CST 2004

If anyone is interested, contact Jo Ellen directly.

----- Forwarded message from joellen <joellen at> -----

From: joellen <joellen at>
To: Bob Kleemann <rkleeman at>
Subject: Re: March Meetings and Mingles
X-Spam-Bayes-Status: Learned as HAM


I am no longer an active member of the SDPM, but I do have some books 
for sale in case anyone is interested and you can/want to pass along...

 * SQL from the Ground Up Mary Pyefinch Osbourne 1999 $34.99 orig ISBN 

 * XML-RPC O'Reilly Simon St Laurent, Joe Johnston, Edd Dumbill 1st edition 
   2001 $34.95 orig ISBN 0-596-00119-3

 * Apache Definitive Guide w/CD-ROM edition? Ben and Peter Laurie O'Reilly 
   March 1997 V1.1/1.2 $34.95 orig ISBN 1-56592-250-6

 * Linux in a Nutshell  2nd Edition O'Reilly Ellen Siever Feb 1999 $24.95 
   Orig. ISBN 1-56592-585-8

 * Running Linux Matt Welsh, Matthias Dalheimer, Lar Kaufman O'Reilly 3rd 
   Edition Aug 1999 orig $34.95 ISBN 1-56592-469-X

 * Linux Unleashed 2nd Edition Kamaran Husain, Timothy Parker SAMS 1996 
   orig $49.99 ISBN 0-672-30908-4

$9 each; $50 the lot

Jo Ellen
joellen at

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